
Egg Binding: What It Is and How to Prevent and Treat It

Egg Binding: What It Is and How to Prevent and Treat It

Egg binding is a commonly cited problem on online forums, but what is this condition and how can you treat it? More importantly, how can you prevent it? Egg binding occurs when a hen has been straining to lay an egg for several hours. A stuck egg prevents fecal matter and other eggs from passing out of the body, and the hen will eventually die from shock or infection. Causes There are a number of factors that may cause egg binding. Eggs form with the pointy end facing the vent opening, but they are laid blunt end first, which means...

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What’s in Chick Starter?

What’s in Chick Starter?

The golden crumble your new baby chicks are devouring these days was carefully formulated for their unique needs. Chick Starter. What’s in it? You won’t be surprised to hear that a large component of chick starter is grains. Poultry have a unique digestive system that you can learn more about here. Their digestive system is suited well for taking advantage of the nutrients found in these grains. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common grains found in poultry feed. These ingredients are carefully selected in order to support a baby chick’s nutritional needs: Energy to support daily...

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Feeding and Managing Pregnant Mares: Prenatal Nutrition

Feeding and Managing Pregnant Mares: Prenatal Nutrition

Many broodmares are in the last half of gestation at this time. The latter part of gestation is one of the most important development periods in the life of a foal when the foal is developing in the uterus of the mare. The importance of this period was recognized in the Nutrient Requirements of Horses, Sixth Edition, when the Committee established that the nutrient requirements of the mare start increasing at the 6th month of gestation, earlier than previously believed. During the last three months of gestation, the foal may be gaining an average of one pound per day. The...

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Keeping Cattle Parasite Free

Keeping Cattle Parasite Free

Parasites have several negative effects on cattle health and productivity. They suppress appetite, negatively impact growth, damage gut lining and make cattle more susceptible to disease. An Iowa State University study calculated a cost of up to $190 per animal resulting from the decreases in gain and reproduction in non-dewormed cattle. Cattlemen should consider a deworming program to combat parasites as a critical part of a herd health plan. This allows cattle to reach their full genetic potential, increase intake, nutrient absorption, and improved overall health, growth and reproduction. Before we get to some thoughts about a program, let’s talk...

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Winter Lighting for Chickens

Winter Lighting for Chickens

People and chickens operate on different schedules that sometimes conflict. As days shorten and the temperature drops people turn on furnaces and electric lights and sleep about as many hours as they do in summer. Not chickens. Their daily schedule is set by daylight. Lacking artificial light they settle into a long night’s sleep as soon as dusk arrives and don’t wake until tomorrow’s dawn. In high latitudes they often sleep 15 or 16 hours a night. For chickens, winter is a time for rest, not reproduction. Cold temperatures don’t reduce laying, but as fall advances, decreasing daylight causes egg...

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